


パレスティナとイスラエルの戦いは歴史があまりにも長く、深く。2つのグループ以外の国の関係性もいろいろを関係がありすぎて、簡単にどっちが悪いなどとは言えません。しかし、私がよく見ているTrevor Noahを引用したいと思います。時事ニュースを扱う南アフリカのコメディアンです。私はこの人の解説が一番しっくりきます。




ガザ地区(パレスチナ自治政府がある地域)では、イスラエルの空爆により、10人の子供を含む28人が死亡したと伝えられています。 そして、150人以上が負傷しました。そして、イスラエルでは600人以上のパレスチナ人の抗議者、崇拝者、および民間人を負傷させた。アルアクサモスクとその周辺では、数人のイスラエル警察が負傷。ハマス(イスラーム主義を掲げるパレスチナ政党)のロケットが2人を殺害。













こちらがTrevor Noahのビデオです。


I don’t want to have that argument. and noise that goes back and forth in this thing, because honestly, I don’t think that any TV show, in ten minutes, is gonna come close to solving Israel-Palestine. Ten minutes isn’t even enough time to explain the Mortal Kombat conflict. So I’m not even trying to come in and do that. Right? I’m not trying to do that. The problem saying who’s good and who’d bad and who started … let’s step away from that and instead ask a different question.

Instead, let’s look at who’s dead and who’s alive this week.

In Israel, Hamas (Palestinian) rockets have killed two people. And this exchange of fire comes after the Israeli assault in and around the Al-Aqsa Mosque that left more than 600 Palestinian protesters, and worshipers, and civilians wounded. and a few dozen Israel police.

Now, personally, I’m not saying for you–just personally. I cannot see those numbers and see a fair fight.

Like set aside motives and intentions and just look at technology, technology alone.

Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world. They can crush Gaza like that. Not to mention one of the most advanced defense systems in the world. You shoot a rocket at them and it’s probably not going to do anything to them, because of their defense system. They’ve got a giant Mutombo in the sky just knocking them down.

And I know that this is contentious. and I know that people are gonna hate me for this. but I just want to ask an honest question here.

If you’re in a fight where the other person can not beat you, how hard should you retaliate when they try to hurt you. Honest question. And I ask this question because I think of it like this.

When I was a teenager, I would always get into fights with my little brother. And little kids can be vicious. Right? They’re trying to punch you in the leg, trying to punch you in the nuts. They’re kids. They do that. But my mom would say to me, whenever I would get angry, she go, “Trevor, don’t hit the kids back because they can’t hurt you. You’re a teenager, and the kids is four.” And I was like, “Yeah but the kid is hitting me. He could hurt me.” But my mom was like, “yeah but you’re also so much bigger than the kid. You can crush him in an instant.”

And please don’t get me wrong right now, because I know someone’s gonna watch this and go, like, “Oh you’re comparing Palestinians to children.” No, I’m not doing that. I’m telling a story about myself. Honestly, I am.

Because what my mom made me understand is that, as a person who has immensely more power, I had to ask myself whether my response to this child was just or necessary. Could I find different ways to deal with this? Whether I felt aggrieved or not or whether they were fighting fair was almost irrelevant. Was I even able to ask myself the question about why they were doing what they were doing? Was I willing to admit guilt? This was all part of the question that I had to ask myself.

But the main question I ask in this situation is about power. And please, again I know this is not a great analogy, because I’m not saying Palestinians are children. I’m not saying they’re all children, right? I’m not saying that they’re harmless or that they’re irrational or acting out. I’m not saying any of that. I’m not.

I’m just talking about the difference in power, which is something we do all the time. I mean, think about policing. If a man has a knife, should the cops shoot him? In many parts around the world like in the U.K., they say, “Well, we’re gonna do everything we can to try and not shoot the person, even at risk to ourselves. Because at the end of the day, they brought a knife to a gunfight. So what’s the right response?

I mean, everyone has a different answer to the question, and I’m not trying to answer the question, nor I think I’m smart enough to solve it. All I’m asking is, when you have this much power … what is the responsibility?


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